Statement on Behalf of MVSD Board of Trustees

Mountain View School Division welcomes the Governance Review of MVSD that was earlier announced by the Provincial Minister of Education and then shared officially with Board Chair, Gabe Mercier on May 1, 2024.  The MVSD Board of Trustees will fully cooperate with the review and will provide all necessary information pertaining to the scope of the review.  The Trustee By Election that was slated to occur at the end of June 2024, will be postponed to a time in the early months of the new 2024-2025 School Year.  In the interim, the MVSD Board of Trustees will be planning to hold to their regular slate of posted meetings that have been previously shared with the public.  The MVSD Board of Trustees will continue to work on creating an environment in which every MVSD student is valued, nurtured and enabled to realize their full potential.

Gabe Mercier, Chair, MVSD Board of Trustees
