A message from the MVSD Board of Trustees

Dear Community,


As we navigate this challenging period, we, the MVSD School Board, want to take a moment to express our gratitude to our staff for their ongoing dedication and hard work. The decisions being made by our board are not easy, but they are rooted in a commitment to creating a safe, caring, and respectful environment for everyone in our school communities.


By choosing to only fly the Federal, Provincial, and School flags, we aim to send a clear message: everyone is welcome, included, and supported under these banners. Canada’s rich tapestry of cultures and communities is a source of strength, and our goal is to foster inclusivity and positivity in all that we do.


In the words of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, “May the land over which this new flag flies remain united in freedom and justice; a land of decent God-fearing people; fair and generous in all its dealings; sensitive, tolerant and compassionate towards all men; industrious, energetic, resolute; wise, and just in the giving of security and opportunity equally to all its cultures; and strong in its adherence to those moral principles which are the only sure guide to greatness.” These words remind us of our shared values and the importance of unity.


We strive to reflect the same ideals as Pearson in our school communities, embracing these principles under our provincial and individual school flags and logos. While the decisions we face may be difficult, they are necessary steps toward a brighter future. By promoting unity through these symbols, we can work to eliminate negative responses towards diverse cultures and communities, especially during sensitive times.


To support our staff through this transition, the Board of Trustees will be working with Senior Administration to clarify the details that will inform an administrative procedure which will assist in implementing these changes effectively. Please know that we, as a board, are committed to supporting our staff in any way possible to ensure this transition is smooth and successful.


Thank you for your commitment to our shared vision. Together, we will continue to support each other and our students, ensuring that our schools remain places of kindness, understanding, and respect.


Please contact Communications [email protected] if you have further questions or feedback.
