Mountain View Matters

From Preschool programming to Coding opportunities, MVSD values engaging our students in innovative learning opportunities that support their intellectual, physical, emotional and social development. Here are just a few exciting programs and activities that are being offered across the division for our students.


Preschool Activity Time

Preschool Activity Time is a free program provided to 4-year-olds in the Mountain View School Division catchment. This program is planned and directed by MVSD’s Preschool Facilitator, Sheila Giasson. Children who are enrolled in the program are provided with access to a new video each month, beginning in November through to May, which engages them in a number of activities such as finger plays, name and science activities, stories, gross motor activities, songs, and literacy and numeracy activities. Children also receive supplies to create crafts and follow along with Mrs. Giasson as they learn to explore making items like play dough, while using measuring cups from their kits.

During each video, each child will hear Mrs. Giasson say their name as she calls out to them during story time or calendar time, or at another time during the video. The children will also be invited to venture outdoors with their parents or caregiver in each video to go for an outside activity such as an autumn walk, touch tree bark, or make snow angels!

Who is eligible for Preschool Programming in MVSD? All children born in 2020, who are part of the MVSD school catchment area are welcome to register for the MVSD Preschool Activity Time. Registration is required in order for families to receive access to the private video link.

Upon registration, families receive a code to access a private video that they can watch at their convenience. Each month, supplies will be provided to follow along and create a craft and/or complete an activity with Mrs. Giasson. The videos remain available until September of the new school year. Children can watch the video at their convenience and as often as they like. Summer fun items like sidewalk chalk are provided in May to use for the summer months.

The Preschool Activity Time program has been extremely well received across the division, with it currently running at its maximum capacity.  However, if your child is eligible and you would like them  to be put on the waiting list, please email your child's first and last name, and their date of birth to Sheila Giasson at [email protected] and you will be contacted if a spot becomes available.


Computer Science Education Week December 9-13, 2024

Computer Science Education week is an international movement designed to introduce students to the field of computer science, strengthen computational thinking and encourage creativity in the digital space.  Through the support of MVSD’s ICT Coordinator, Kirsten Thompson, all schools are invited to participate in a variety of ways.

One way a number of our schools participate and introduce Computer Science Education Week is through an Hour of Code event. "The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event or try any of the over 500+ one-hour tutorials, available in over 45 languages."

Another opportunity is through which provides coding activities for all levels of students from emerging readers who are trying coding for the first time, to experienced coders familiar with programming languages.

Finally, schools have been provided with the opportunity to engage their students in MSEA’s Minecraft Dogsled Track Design Challenge. “Set in the snowy landscapes of the Pimachiowin Aki, this challenge merges the rich heritage of dog sledding in First Nations communities with the fun of a "Mario Kart"-style race in Minecraft.”

Teams of 2-5 students, from Grades 4-9, “will craft immersive and challenging courses using a specially designed Indigenous-themed Minecraft map. The competition encourages creativity, teamwork, and a deeper understanding of the history of the Anishinaabe and the Bloodvein River First Nation, whose traditions form the backdrop of this adventure.”

MVSD is proud of the variety of experiences it offers its students and families, along with the many efforts of MVSD staff to engage students in new and interesting ways.


Submitted by: Jeane Mischuk, Coordinator of Educational Services and Kirsten Thompson, Coordinator of Information Communication Technology (ICT)
